Apple pie

Boston Cream Pie

Choux à la Crème/ Cream Puffs
We learned to do puff paste which was quite impressing because my puffs looked like little ugly blobs when I put them in the oven and when I took them out they looked perfect! The next time I make puffs, I'll fill them with ice cream and cover them with the fudgy sauce below.
Crème Anglaise
Again, I don't normally like English Cream but with the vanilla bean, it tasted so good.
Hot Fudge Sauce
Very simple to make, goes well with Ice cream
I'm prrrretty proud of myself! :)
I still can't believe that I got to learn all these recipes and baking tips in just One day. At the beginning of the day, we were given a small recipe book and I swear, at the end mine looked like the Half-Blood Prince's potion book since it was covered in so much writing ^_^
There are still many classe I would love to take at the Académie but since they are so expensive, I think I'll wait for Christmas and my birthday. *Subtle hint*
oh god je bave sur mon clavier.
Hi, and thanks for visiting! I thought I'd stop by, and wow, you are quite the baker! Such beautiful baked goods! You've inspired me to preheat the oven and get started on some yummies too. And those smores cupcakes look so cute!
Wow you are very lucky! I wish I had the time to take some cooking classes. Everything looks amazing, especially those cream puffs! Keep up the great baking.
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