Apple pie

Boston Cream Pie

Choux à la Crème/ Cream Puffs
We learned to do puff paste which was quite impressing because my puffs looked like little ugly blobs when I put them in the oven and when I took them out they looked perfect! The next time I make puffs, I'll fill them with ice cream and cover them with the fudgy sauce below.
Crème Anglaise
Again, I don't normally like English Cream but with the vanilla bean, it tasted so good.
Hot Fudge Sauce
Very simple to make, goes well with Ice cream
I'm prrrretty proud of myself! :)
I still can't believe that I got to learn all these recipes and baking tips in just One day. At the beginning of the day, we were given a small recipe book and I swear, at the end mine looked like the Half-Blood Prince's potion book since it was covered in so much writing ^_^
There are still many classe I would love to take at the Académie but since they are so expensive, I think I'll wait for Christmas and my birthday. *Subtle hint*